Best & Worst of Emmys 2010

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Despite knowing that award shows have a tendency to be long and tedious, I was looking forward to this year’s Emmys because I liked many of the nominees. But after a rousing opening number with Jimmy Fallon leading the Glee kids, Jon Hamm, Tina Fey and others in singing and dancing to Bruce Springsteen’s Born to Run (see it here), the energy level dipped considerably.

I was happy about some of the results—Jane Lynch’s win for Glee, Modern Family for best comedy series, Archie Panjabi’s upset victory for best supporting actress in a drama series for The Good Wife—and unhappy about others: Hugh Laurie’s loss for the fifth time. Did voters not see last season’s premiere when he was in the psychiatric hospital, and the finale when he advised the woman to have her leg amputated so she wouldn’t have chronic pain like he does?

For a complete list of winners, click here. Keep reading for my thoughts on the highlights and lowlights of the evening.

Best sport: George Clooney participating in a skit about a clueless network executive trying to improve on Modern Family for next season. Julie Bowen and Sofia Vergara both liked the idea of their characters falling in love with Clooney after their TV husbands are killed off. Then Eric Stonestreet and Jesse Tyler Ferguson revealed they wouldn’t mind having Clooney in a threesome with Mitch and Cam, to which Clooney said, “I’ve got to get a film.”

Classiest act: Clooney again. When he won the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award, he gave an eloquent speech that I couldn’t have agreed with more. An excerpt:

We live in such strange times where bad behavior sucks up all the attention in the press and the people who really need the spotlight—the Haitians, the Sudanese, people in the Gulf Coast on the five-year anniversary [of Katrina], people in Pakistan—they can’t get any…

Now the truth is, look, when a disaster happens, everybody wants to help…The hard part is, seven months later, five years later when we’re on to a new story…we fail at that, most of the time. I fail at that.

So here’s hoping that some very bright person, right here in the room or at home watching, can help find a way to keep the spotlight burning on these heartbreaking situations that continue to be heartbreaking long after the cameras go away.

Clooney for president! Then maybe he can ban talentless idiots from getting press for having sex tapes.

Biggest regret: Seeing Kim Kardashian and Kate Gosselin on my TV. I’ve made it a mission in life to not watch/see/read anything that involves these two (see previous rant about people who shouldn’t be famous) and have avoided exposure up until tonight. But they popped up on the red carpet and did intros with Fallon. My brain felt so infected, I wanted an injection of antibiotics.

Best booty shakin’: Jon Hamm. His goofy dancing with Betty White as his coach made me like him more when I thought that wasn’t possible. Tina Fey told Entertainment Weekly‘s Michael Ausiello that Hamm will be back for 30 Rock‘s live episode this fall and I can’t wait to see what his character Drew will do with his hooks for hands.

Funniest reason for rooting for a nominee: Ricky Gervais wanting Bucky Gunts to win for directing the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games opening ceremony simply because “I didn’t know you could say [Bucky Gunts] on television.” Then Gunts actually won! Hilarious.

Winner most in danger of losing job: Erin Levy, co-winner of best drama series writing with Matthew Weiner for Mad Men. Levy said she’d previously been Weiner’s assistant before getting the opportunity to write for the show. Last year’s co-winner with Weiner, Kater Gordon, said the same thing then lost her job two months later.

Most inept fact checker: The person responsible for spelling Julia Ormond’s name Julia OrmAnd when she won the best miniseries supporting actress award for Temple Grandin. It’s Ormond’s first Emmy; it would’ve been nice for her to see her name spelled correctly on screen if she wants to watch that moment later.

Now on to best and worst of the fashion…

You’d think the celebs were attending a funeral based on the predominance of black and midnight blue dresses. Eva Longoria Parker, Julie Bowen, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Edie Falco, Lea Michele and Heidi Klum were just a few wearing this dark hue on a sunny August day, making me sweat just looking at them.

Among this sea of somberness, it was easy for me to pick my favorite dress:

Photo: Jay L. Clendenin/L.A. Times

Keri Russell looks pretty, summery, cool and comfortable. Her dress is vintage Jean Louis Scherrer; extra credit to Russell for having bought it herself from an L.A. vintage shop.

Check out the slide show below for my thoughts on other fashion choices…

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What did you think of the show? How did you like Fallon as host? Most memorable moments for you?



  • Reply
    Naomi Johnson
    August 30, 2010 at 10:39 am

    You’ve made me glad that I watch so little TV I had the cable taken out.

  • Reply
    August 30, 2010 at 12:46 pm

    I thought Fallon did an okay job. It’s not his fault I compare all awards show hosts to Billy Crystal. Don’t care what the awards are for, Crystal was the best. Honorary mention goes to the dual hosting job done by Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin at the academy awards earlier this year.

    No idea why Kate Gosselin or Kardashian (any of them) show up on any show. Is the invitation list organized by teenage boys with input from white-trash moms? How long before OctoMom shows up at the Oscars?

    I did chuckle at the back and forth between Neil Patrick Harris and Jimmmy Fallon, but overall I rarely cracked a grin.

    Thanks for covering it, PCN, so I didn’t have to watch. BTW: I am a straight white male, but I really liked the fashion show you put up on this posting.

  • Reply
    August 30, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    I actually found the awards show quite funny. I loved the intro, and I thought it was the best thing of the night. Also loved Clooney’s speech. I don’t usually watch the whole show (I’m really not interested in a lot of categories), but the parts I did watch were really good in my book.

    I liked Fallon saying Tom Selleck is his “real dad”…

    • Reply
      Naomi Johnson
      August 30, 2010 at 7:02 pm

      Was Tom Selleck on? Because if he was, now I am sorry I missed it. Just love that guy.

  • Reply
    Pop Culture Nerd
    August 30, 2010 at 7:46 pm

    Naomi—Yes, Selleck was there and looked pretty good.

    EIREGO—Thank you. NPH cracking that Fallon was gay fell flat for me. Was it meant as an insult? If so, isn’t that rude towards gay people?

    Poncho—I liked Fallon. His Elton John and Springsteen impressions were quite good. I just get bored during reality and TV movies/miniseries categories and when the same people win over and over again, e.g. Bryan Cranston & Mad Men.

    • Reply
      August 30, 2010 at 10:55 pm

      Oh, yes, please! Someone who is speaking my mind about these awards and this show!

      I thought Fallon did a very good job — only pushed a couple of times, but overall seemed comfortable and easygoing in a job that is anything but. Most of the presenters did okay, but, I’m sorry, Matthew Perry was awful and looked terrible (and I am a fan of his).

      I thought the graphics and interstitials were very clever and hip (but I’m geeky like that).

      I am SO TIRED of Bryan Cranston and Mad Men. I mean, I think Bryan Cranston is a good actor and all but, really?? And his show just ain’t that great (although I stopped watching after the first season, so maybe it got better). And, I’m sorry, I DO NOT LIKE MAD MEN. So shoot me.

      I’m a huge fan of Steve Levitan, and I thought his acceptance speeches were top-notch.

      Agreed on the dresses (honestly, do some of these women look in the mirror before they leave the house/salon/backseat of the limo?).

      I’m off to watch the opening again, and maybe find me some Ricky Gervais…

      Thanks, PCN!

      • Reply
        Pop Culture Nerd
        August 31, 2010 at 4:20 pm

        Thanks, Julia!

        Matthew Perry’s scripted banter with Lauren Graham was awful. Her comic timing was off and then he tried too hard to sell it. Levitan was hilarious in the filmed bit where he was on a horse with Christopher Lloyd.

  • Reply
    Shell Sherree
    August 30, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    Great wrap, PCN! I loved the Modern Family skit with George Clooney {what’s not to love about George Clooney … seriously.} Hosting is a tough gig, and all in all, Jimmy Fallon had me chuckling enough to keep me reasonably happy. As for Keri Russell’s dress ~ gorgeous!

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      August 31, 2010 at 4:32 pm

      I think some people had a problem with Fallon’s awkwardness but I like him BECAUSE he’s awkward. And I can’t think of anything to dislike about Clooney, either. I’m excited about seeing The American tomorrow! Clooney in Italy is too much goodness.

  • Reply
    August 31, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    I don’t think NP Harris calling Fallon gay is offensive since NPH is gay. I think it’s like African Americans using the N word. They can do it, but non-African Americans. Of course, I could be wrong and CNN will do a whole FaceBook opinion poll so they don’t have to do any hard hitting news for a week. LOL!

  • Reply
    August 31, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    After religiously covering my ears and averting my eyes whenever I heard or saw anything about the emmys, I finally watched it on my dvr. It was a decent show. I thought it was about as funny and irreverent as it should be. Just don’t know how relevant these shows are anymore.

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      August 31, 2010 at 4:35 pm

      I hope I didn’t ruin anything for you!

  • Reply
    September 1, 2010 at 10:04 pm

    PSST: Gil Bellows now has an Emmy and Hugh Laurie doesn’t.

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      September 1, 2010 at 10:25 pm

      Wait, whaaaaaat?? What did he win an Emmy for? I know he has a SAG award.

    • Reply
      September 1, 2010 at 10:35 pm

      Even if the first part of that sentence isn’t true, the second part makes me sad. And, yes, a little disgusted.

  • Reply
    September 2, 2010 at 11:32 am

    You didn’t see Bellows on stage? (He received an Emmy for producing TEMPLE GRANDIN)

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      September 2, 2010 at 11:59 am

      No, I didn’t really pay attention during the TV movie/miniseries categories. I listened to see who won, e.g. Pacino, Danes, blah blah, but was probably making a sandwich or checking e-mails when TEMPLE GRANDIN’s producers made their acceptance speech.

      So now Gil Bellows has a SAG Award and an Emmy. Wow.

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