Thank You, Universe

I have so many reasons to be thankful—the most loving family, friends more generous than I deserve—but luckily those have been true my whole life. This year, I thought I’d mention my thanks to the universe, for sending me a special, unexpected message.

I’ve worked in the arts for many years, as an actress, writer, and editor. I love everything I do, and have had great times and hard times, due to the nature of being a freelancer and subjecting myself to regular bouts of rejection. There’s no job security, but never a shortage of reasons why I’m too this or too that or not enough whatever for some gigs. And that’s when people would actually tell me why. Often there’s just silence.

But then this happened two months ago. Read it if you haven’t already, or the rest of this post won’t make sense.

Are you back? OK. When I recently shared that story with someone who also works in a creative field, she started crying in front of me. I was somewhat surprised, since it’s a very personal story and I thought I would be the only one weeping.

But after wiping her eyes, she said, “We choose certain paths in life and often wonder, ‘Am I doing the right thing? Should we be somewhere else?’ The universe just sent you a very clear sign that you were exactly where you were supposed to be in that moment. Do you know how lucky you are? Some people wait their whole lives and never get an answer.”

I will pause while you absorb that.

Yes, exactly.

I was struck speechless by that statement, and really can’t express it any better. So I’ll just stop here and say thanks to the universe for revealing some of its magic to me.

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you find the answers you seek.

Photo: Sarah G.


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  • Reply
    November 22, 2012 at 9:41 am

    This is a beautiful thing to read. It reminds us that maybe there are forces at work we’ll never truly understand. Glad you got to experience this and thank you for sharing the wonderment.

  • Reply
    Shell Sherree
    November 22, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    Beautifully expressed, PCN. Happy thanksgiving ~ thank you for your friendship and inspiration. There’s much for which I’m grateful.

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