Book Giveaway: Michael Connelly’s THE HARRY BOSCH NOVELS, VOLUME 3

Thanks to Hachette Book Group, I’m giving away three copies of this new omnibus which includes three complete Harry Bosch novels: A Darkness More than Night, City of Bones, and Lost Light. Perhaps you already have individual copies of the books but they’re in paperback and are getting tattered. Or you know someone who only recently discovered Connelly’s work and doesn’t have these titles yet. Either way, this is a handsome hardcover edition to add to your or some lucky person’s collection.

Speaking of giving, I’d like to try something this season which was inspired by what the folks over at Concord Free Press are doing, which is giving away the books they publish and only asking that you consider making a charitable donation in return. I don’t publish anything but would like you to think about giving a small amount to your favorite charity if you win one of these books. When I say small, I mean $5 or $10 or some canned goods for your local food drive. (Lest you think five bucks don’t amount to much, my local soup kitchen says $2 will feed 3 people for Thanksgiving.) How about donating some of your used books to the library? That won’t cost anything at all. You’d come out on top since the omnibus retails for $21.99.

I want to be clear this is completely optional. If you win and make no donation, it’s perfectly fine and I won’t know about it anyway. No proof of good deed will be required before you get your prize (I’d love to hear, though, if you do donate something). This is simply my way to hopefully stimulate a little giving for the holidays.

So, back to the giveaway. To enter, leave a comment telling me what you’re relentless about since Connelly has used that word often to describe Harry Bosch. It could be something big or small. I was once in New York City freezing my tail off during its coldest day in 85 years. I got this craving for chicken noodle soup and was relentless about finding it. For whatever reason, no restaurant was serving it that day, just split pea or lentil or cream of one thing or another. I jumped on and off the subway, ducking into different places until I found the perfect chicken noodle and it was worth it.

To be eligible, you also have to:

  • be a subscriber or Twitter follower (tell me which)
  • have U.S./Canada address (no P.O. boxes)

Giveaway ends next Monday, Nov. 22, 5 p.m. PST. Winners will be randomly selected then announced here and on Twitter. I won’t be e-mailing you so please check back to see if you win. Alternate winner(s) will be chosen for any prize(s) not claimed within 48 hours.

Now, let’s see how relentless you are!



  • Reply
    Kathy P
    November 16, 2010 at 6:42 am

    I am relentless when it comes to finishing projects I start.

  • Reply
    Kathy P
    November 16, 2010 at 6:43 am

    I am a subscriber via GFC and I live in Canada.

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 7:14 am

    The donation option is a great idea, Elyse. I think my wife believes I’m relentless when it come to making a point during a ‘marital discussion’. That may be true since I lose almost all of those discussions. I’m all about those small symbolic victories, you see. Thanks.

    • Reply
      Jen Forbus
      November 22, 2010 at 5:25 am

      Hahahaha! That’s great, Le0! Cheers to Mrs. Le0, too. I think you’re relentless on your knowledge of music and movies. You knock me out!

      • Reply
        November 22, 2010 at 11:30 am

        You are very kind to me, Jen 🙂

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 7:20 am

    I am relentless about finding a book I want, I go to thrift stores, used book stores whatever and I cannot find it. Not a good stress for me.
    I would love to win this book giveaway, it is really a great win.

  • Reply
    Laura Benedict
    November 16, 2010 at 7:31 am

    I’m relentless about taking care of my kids. I want them to always know that I’m here for them. I do my best not to do too much *for* them, but to teach them the right way to approach their lives so they can grow up to be thoughtful, productive, compassionate adults. I’m on a mission!
    (Twitter and follower)

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 8:46 am

    I’m relentless about cooking for family and friends. I just bought a 20 pound turkey even though only two of us eat meat…I asked my kids to find a bunch of friends who will be orphaned for Thanksgiving and bring them for dinner.

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 11:11 am

    Loving the contribution suggestion PCN. I am relentless about getting my kids to NOT be procrastinators. I’ve struggled with it all my life (I’m a damn expert procrastinator now, oh look shiny!) and don’t want my kids to follow in my footsteps.

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    I think the optional charitable donation idea is a good one. Often times, I don’t respond well to charities doing the hard sell for cash. Giving a book to a library or simply donating directly to shelter whether it be food, clothing or cash always seems to make me feel a bit better about what little I can give. One year a group of us donated toys and a even a few bikes that had to be assembled. I remember us all spread out on the floor of a huge office lobby one weekend putting things together. Felt like one of Santa’s elves. It was great and much more appealing to me than tossing coins into a large metal bin while someone rang a bell. Okay, I am digressing and yes, this is only my thoughts out loud. I’m not saying anyone should do anything they aren’t comfortable with this year.

    Love the Harry Bosch novels and I will be honest and saying I would more than likely give it as a present.

    What am I relentless about? It used to be running. No matter how bad my day, week or month was going, running would clear my head. So, sometimes I would even be willing to show up late for work or appointments if it meant I could get a good run under my belt. These days I am trying to be relentless about stripping away what I know I don’t need. It’s becoming an obsession. At first it was just focused on my closet, but lately it has become more about getting rid of things that cause me stress. Sometimes that means people.

  • Reply
    Mystery Dawg - Aldo
    November 16, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    Hey Hey….
    Follow you on Twitter and a subscriber. I love in Los Angeles.

    Great idea. I have received books from Concord, made the donations and passed the book on to fellow readers.

    I’m relentless in providing opportunities for writers to practice their craft by publishing their stories on my two websites. This has provided opportunities for exposure and a few have caught the eye of an agent and a publishing deal. In the end it workout……..

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 1:26 pm

    I am relentless in doing or getting what is best for my children, don’t get in my way 🙂

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    I subscribe via email & live in Canada
    love the giving idea, if each of us did a little it would make a huge difference

  • Reply
    Coffee and a Book Chick
    November 16, 2010 at 1:32 pm

    I am relentlessly loyal. I will support my family and friends no matter what!

    I follow your site, thanks for hosting!

    coffeeandabookchick at gmail dot com

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    I’m relentless about finishing what I start.


  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 2:10 pm

    Email subscriber.


  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    Beautiful idea, Elyse! I am relentless about pushing my charity, Friends of Tanzanian Orphans, and will return again this summer to work with the children and I am thankful that I won’t need to mortgage my home to do so as I just continue to fritter away my pitiful retirement funds. So-o, if anyone wishes to make a small contribution?

    can contact me: or

  • Reply
    November 16, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    Love this, PCN! This is actually why I’m not participating in any of the many book blogger exchanges. My local B&N does a book drive for local schools and kids who have been abused. The kids put down what they are interested in, and my absolute favorite part of Christmas is choosing a HUGE stack of books I think they’d love. It always puts me in the spirit. I loved getting books as a child, and I’m so glad I’m able to pass that on.

    As for what I am relentless about… hm. I’ll go light-hearted and say Dove peppermint bark. I don’t like regular peppermint bark, but this stuff? I went to four different stores in search of it once I realized Christmas candy was being put out.

    I haven’t read Harry Bosch but have read Connelly and would love the book.

  • Reply
    Laura DeLuca
    November 18, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    i subscribe via email

  • Reply
    Jen Forbus
    November 22, 2010 at 5:32 am

    Oy. Relentless. I can be obnoxiously relentless about anything I find a passion for…as you know. Like encouraging people to give books as gifts…encouraging people to enstill a love of reading in younger generations…encouraging people to talk about books, take advantage of their libraries, try audiobooks, etc.

    As a teacher I was relentless about teaching my students accountability and responsibility. Too many people…especially parents…want to do everything FOR the children. THAT. DOESN’T. HELP. THEM. It teaches them dependency and entitlement. I’ve had all kinds of parents give me all kinds or reasons why doing everything for their children, paying for everything, giving them everything they want, is a good thing. And no one has given me any evidence that convinces me they are right. The only thing it does is assuage parents. See…relentless, obnoxiously relentless. 🙂

  • Reply
    Julie B
    November 22, 2010 at 8:46 am

    new email subscriber. I am relentless about food shopping and trying to cook new and interesting recipes.

  • Reply
    November 22, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    I guess where I’m most relentless is making sure that my photographs are labeled. I don’t know how many times my grandfather warned me to write who/what/where on them. He started preaching that after going through a suitcase full of loose photos. The digital age has helped with the cameras registering the date (as long as you have it set correctly) and you can at least highlight all the photos and put a description of the event. The downside is that you come home with 100s of photos to weed through. 😉 So, needless to say, I get backlogged in labeling exactly who is in the pictures, but I won’t share them until I’ve done so. (Ummm, maybe anal-retentive might be a better word for me than relentless. Ha!)

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