First Tintin Movie News Are In!

I was thrilled to hear over the weekend that most of the first reviews for The Adventures of Tintin: The Secrets of Unicorn are not only positive, but overwhelmingly so! Many of you know the Tintin books are the first titles I remember reading on my own as a kid and absolutely loving. Despite the fact this movie was directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by Peter Jackson, I was concerned it wouldn’t deliver the sense of wonder I felt experiencing Hergé’s work. The trailers didn’t quite win me over, either.

But the reviews coming in from Europe, where the movie will open later this month (December 21 in the U.S.—argghhh!) are comparing it to the Indiana Jones movies, using descriptors like “visually splendid,””gorgeous,” “stunning,” “lavish,” and “breathless.” The Hollywood Reporter says it’s “a good ol’ fashioned adventure flick that harkens back to [Spielberg]’s action-packed, tongue-in-cheek swashbucklers of the 1980s.” It’s almost enough to make me hop on a plane to France so I can see it two months before its stateside release.

If interested, you can read full reviews from The Sun (UK), The Hollywood Reporter, and HitFix.

Anyone else as excited as I am?



  • Reply
    October 17, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Good news for fans of the Tintin series. And, yes, I am one of them. I’ve been worrying they would screw it up as well. Nice to know. Do they plan to do more if this is sucessful?

  • Reply
    October 17, 2011 at 9:24 am

    Well, I hope they’re correct. I would love to see a great Spielberg project of late. Since 2002 (with his fantastic double of CATCH ME IF YOU CAN & MINORITY REPORT), I’ve been disappointed in varying degrees with what he’s directed. Even his executive producer role is a mixed bag for me: yes for THE PACIFIC, SUPER 8, TRUE GRIT, and no for anything with TRANSFORMERS in the name or Shia LaBeouf as the star. So, if he could catch another lightning in a bottle double with this and WARHORSE, I’ll be there. Thanks for the heads up, Elyse.

  • Reply
    Benoit Lelievre
    October 17, 2011 at 9:32 am

    Tintin is probably the most entertaining and sexually ambiguous comic that was ever written. Guy has a serious taste for adventure. And sailors.

  • Reply
    Pop Culture Nerd
    October 17, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    EIREGO—Howdy, fellow Tintin nerd! This is supposedly the first movie in a trilogy. The next one’s being directed by Peter Jackson.

    le0—I agree with you. The part I was happiest to hear was how this harkens back to Spielberg’s swashbucklers of the ’80s. Are you or your kids familiar with Tintin at all? I think they might like the books.

    Benoit—He can also rock those parachute pants.

  • Reply
    Shell Sherree
    October 17, 2011 at 11:55 pm

    Sounds like a very good reason to hop on a plane to France, not that you need a reason… It would be fitting to have an adventure on the way.

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      October 18, 2011 at 3:29 pm

      If I go to France, you’ll have to meet me there for coffee and macarons!

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