Weekend Viewing Pleasure

If you’re looking for entertainment this weekend, there are some good options across different media platforms. The Winter Olympics are on TV, and Amazon just posted ten new pilots for you to watch and rate and help decide which one will get picked up for series. You don’t need a Prime membership, just a regular free account.

20140207-012649.jpgOf biggest interest to me and many readers is Bosch, based on Michael Connelly’s books about LAPD homicide detective Harry Bosch, who’s played by Titus Welliver in the show.

Welliver is not how I pictured Harry, but the actor perfectly captured Harry’s weariness for internal politics and compassion for the victims. Strong impressions were also made by Jamie Hector as Harry’s partner, Jerry Edgar, and Annie Wersching as Julia Brasher.

Besides Wersching, another 24 alum popped up—Amy Price-Francis as Honey Chandler, the attorney out to nail Harry in a civil suit after he shoots a man while on duty. Oh, and did/can you catch Connelly’s cameo? If you’ve seen the pilot, watch it again and see if you can spot him.

It was fun for me to watch Bosch because I’ve been to all the locations featured—Angels Flight, Musso & Frank, the overlook at the reservoir with the Hollywood sign in the background, the courthouse downtown where I’ve had to do jury duty, even the street where the old doctor’s house was.

Sometimes I take for granted where I live, and just put my head down and try to get through the day. When I see all the energy and beauty and history of the city captured on film, it makes me really appreciate my surroundings. Now I just have to find out where they shot Harry’s house because the view from his deck is breathtaking. During that scene, the jazz music playing is Frank Morgan’s “Lullaby.” It’s the first cut on a free CD of Harry Bosch’s music that came with the hardcover first edition of Connelly’s Lost Light.

Other pilots up at Amazon include The After from The X-Files‘ Chris Carter, Transparent from Six Feet Under‘s Jill Solloway, and Mozart in the Jungle from About a Boy‘s Paul Weitz. Besides Bosch, I’ve seen Transparent and found it unbearable. The characters, other than Jeffrey Tambor’s patriarch, are unpleasant and self-centered. The dad even says at one point that his children are all selfish. Yup.

20140207-013353.jpgIf you feel like venturing out to a movie theater, The Monuments Men, directed by George Clooney and adapted from the book by Robert M. Edsel and Bret Witter, opens today. Based on true stories, the movie offers a look at a group of real men who retrieved art masterpieces stolen by Nazis and returned them to their rightful owners. The men weren’t soldiers but regular folk who understood that destroying or robbing a culture of its art means completely eradicating those people’s influence on civilization.

The all-star cast, including Clooney, Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray, Jean Dujardin, among others, is uniformly good, but I will say Blanchett is especially good, which is probably no surprise to anyone. And look for a special cameo at the very end. The movie has lighthearted moments and heartbreaking moments, all while teaching me about a part of history I didn’t know much about.

That’s it for now. Happy Friday everyone!



  • Reply
    February 7, 2014 at 7:36 am

    So excited for Bosch. When I first heard who Connelly had in mind for Harry, I didn’t like the casting. But when it changed to Titus Welliver, well, let’s just say all of me was happy. Can’t wait to check it out, have been hearing great things. Also want to finally watch Alphas, the Amazon show with John Goodman, et al. It’s been around a while, but maybe opening the app for Bosch will get me started. Did you watch any other of the ten just opened for viewing?

    Also really want to see Monuments Men, but have the book and want to read it first. It’s long, so of course I keep putting it off, but may need to push it to the top of the kindle list so I can see the movie. Of course, in this case it likely wouldn’t kill me to see the movie first, but I always find myself less likely to watch when I do it that way. But then again…George. Am I REALLY less likely to watch?

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      February 7, 2014 at 8:51 am

      I saw TRANSPARENT, which, like I said above, is unbearable. The characters, at least the grown children in the family, are selfish and awful. Mr. PCN and I kept yelling, “Just stop whining!”

      And do you mean are you less likely to read the book if you see the MONUMENTS movie first? Possibly, because art is visual, and I enjoyed seeing how magnificent some of the stolen pieces were, how they motivated the men to risk their lives to preserve.

      • Reply
        February 7, 2014 at 9:43 am

        Ah, saw you’d seen Transparent, missed the qualifier. I’ll know to miss that one. ‘Course, not sure I’ll watch any of the others, I’ve got too much on the plate already. Now that I’m reading MARY AND LOU AND RHODA AND TED I have to go back and watch all of the MTM seasons.

  • Reply
    Shell Sherree
    February 7, 2014 at 2:07 pm

    If Bosch turns up here, I’ll certainly give it a whirl – and I’m really looking forward to The Monuments Men. Aside from the very appealing cast, the story sounds inspiring and special. Thanks, PCN! Have a beautiful weekend when it arrives for you.

    • Reply
      Pop Culture Nerd
      February 9, 2014 at 2:39 pm

      Oh, I think you’d appreciate all the art in the movie, Shell!

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