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TAKEN by Robert Crais: Q&A and Giveaway

Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate it! Today is the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, which sounds like it should be my year but it’s not. I’m actually Year of the Goat, an animal that has facial hair and gets eaten.

Photo: Greg Gorman

But speaking of happy and new, Robert Crais‘s latest novel, Taken, drops tomorrow (Jan. 24, Putnam), and I have a Q&A with him today. The novel moved me so deeply, I almost can’t talk about it for fear of diluting the feeling. So I’ll just say a few words and force encourage you to experience it for yourself.

Taken has the usual action as Elvis Cole and Joe Pike go up against deadly human traffickers, but it’s also a story about love, friendship, compassion, and chasing your dreams. There’s a scene that defines how Joe feels about Elvis, expressed in the only way Joe knows how—wordlessly. It’s breathtaking for both its simplicity and depth of feeling, and one day, when someone compiles a list of iconic scenes in private eye novels that best exemplify the relationship between a detective and his partner, this moment must be on top. It makes you wish you had friends like them; it makes you wish you could be like them.

I’m thrilled to have Robert in the PCN house, answering questions about the different ways he’s been taken (stop snickering) and sharing his personal photos. Afterward, stick around for a little giveaway.

Pop Culture Nerd: What’s the best trip you’ve ever taken (physical or chemical)?

Robert Crais: Prowling through bear country on Admiralty Island, Alaska, and through the East Kootenay Rockies in Canada at 9000 feet before the snow melts. Dangerous, primitive, natural, beautiful. I enjoy physical outdoorsy things like mud runs, scuba diving, and the adventures I have doing research, but the isolation and purity of rugged wilderness areas like inner Admiralty and the East Kootenays call to my heart. If it’s easy to get there, I don’t want to go.

90 feet down in the Gulf of Mexico

With his team, doing the Camp Pendleton Mud Run

PCN: Where’s the weirdest place you’ve been taken for research?

RC: A whorehouse in Mississippi.

No whores here, just doing research with the ATF

PCN: Huh. I noticed you didn’t send over photos of that. Speaking of which, favorite picture you’ve taken?

RC: Sunrise breaking over Los Angeles while the city sleeps.

PCN: Biggest risk ever taken?

RC: Writing L.A. Requiem.

PCN: What do you most fear will be taken from you?

RC: My mental faculties.

PCN: Best advice ever taken?

RC: Write what you love.

PCN: Biggest misTaken assumption about you?

RC: What do people assume?

PCN: I’ll ask them. Last Q—what do you hope will be taken away from Taken?

RC: That people find it exciting, gripping, moving, and truthful.

Thank you, Robert, for answering my questions. Readers, it’s your turn to be Taken. For more info, go to his website or peruse his tour dates on Facebook.

But first, I have a little giveaway. I’m giving away five Elvis Cole Detective Agency business cards with a slogan that comes straight from the novel. I won’t ruin it by showing or saying what it is. If you win one and don’t like spoilers, make sure you read the book before I send it to you!

I printed these cards myself and they are in no way official, but they will be signed by Robert. To enter, leave a comment below answering his question of what you assume about him. Be creative—the more wrong the assumption, the better!

Winners will be chosen randomly via Giveaway is open to everyone, and will end this Sunday, Jan. 29, 5 p.m. PST.

UPDATE: Winners have been announced, and the card looks like this.

Buy Taken from Amazon| From an indie bookstore


I’ve been TAKEN

If my blog activity slows down a bit in the next week or so, it may not be due to my crazy-ass work schedule or Christmas shopping. After all, Christmas came early this year.

No, I might make myself scarce because I’ve been Taken. By Elvis and Joe. To an undisclosed location, where who knows what will happen.

Since I’m magnanimous, I’ll allow you to shove me down the stairs as many times as you wish. Poke me with a stick, blast Michael Bolton music in my face if you must. I’ve got my padded suit on. Let’s go!



Bouchercon Adventures 2011

There’s been a thousand Bouchercon posts already everywhere but I figured no two experiences are exactly the same, right? So, if you’re not tired yet of reading about it, below are my highlights.

For those unfamiliar with B’con, it’s an annual world mystery convention for authors and fans. And by “world,” I do mean people come from all over, such as Thailand and Scotland in the case of international guests of honor, Colin Cotterill and Val McDermid, respectively.

So much happened and some of it is a blur, but among the things that stood out:

Meeting authors I’ve gotten to know a little online and finding they’re just as charming and funny in person. It was a pleasure having tea with Laura Benedict, though I didn’t actually drink tea and just ate a cookie half standing up. Seeing her, as a panel moderator, handle an audience member who talked endlessly without actually asking a question was also quite satisfying.

Squeezing into a photo booth with Ben LeRoy (of Tyrus Books and F+W Crime) and my friends Christine and Lauren to take goofy pictures. Ben’s passion for life and efforts to make the world a better place neutralize the damage done by at least twenty a**holes.

Being packed into the Meshuggah Cafe for Noir at the Bar with some of the best crime writers working. They have sick, twisted minds, just the way I like ’em.

Eating Vietnamese food and sharing cab rides with Brett Battles, Meg Gardiner, and Lauren that threatened to turn into Noir on the Streets. Our driver Jill started talking up the local asylum to us and I couldn’t blame her.

Having breakfast—and coffee, and brownies, and nuts—while talking with Mike Cooper, who raised my IQ.

Hearing Matthew McBride, who writes brutal fiction, fret about his bowling skills, afraid he wouldn’t be good enough for the tournament. (He did just fine.)

Witnessing Hilary Davidson win her Crimespree and Anthony Awards for Best First Novel. I’m hoping she’ll wear the plaques as earrings at next year’s B’con.

Sitting next to Taylor Stevens at the Anthony Awards brunch and seeing S.J. Rozan and Laurie R. King come up to her to introduce themselves; gush over her book, The Informationist; and offer to blurb her future novels.

Chatting with Katrina Niidas Holm and observing her husband Chris‘s petrification when an idol of his, Daniel Woodrell, sat with us in a booth in the hotel bar.

Waving at Clare from Criminal Element at the auction and almost losing $300 because auctioneer Mark Billingham thought I was bidding on something.

Encountering Jonathan Hayes in the elevator and having him say, “I didn’t know you were Asian!” I also got “I didn’t know you were a woman” from some but let’s not go there.

Running into Robert Crais in the hotel lobby within minutes of my arrival. ‘Nuff said.

From L.: Naomi, Paulette, Michael, Christine, me. Not pictured--Jen and Carolyn.

Finally meeting super Craisie Naomi and her friend Carolyn, as well as hanging with the rest of the gang—Michael, Jen, Paulette, Lauren, and Christine—culminating in dinner at Mosaic. I shall think of you whenever I lick spicy ice cream. (For more on the Craisies, go here.)

Briefly spending some time with my friend Rae, one of the classiest people I know. (She chaired last year’s B’con.)

Meeting the extremely thoughtful Sabrina, who’s about to make someone’s day, if not month.

Rooming with the divine Christine, who is just beyond words as a human being.

The risk of doing one of these posts is that I omit someone, so I apologize if I got to meet you and failed to mention you. Please know I had an over-the-moon experience and you contributed to it.

Many thanks to Jon and Ruth Jordan, Judy Bobalik, Jen Forbus and all the other organizers for putting on such a fantastic show. I heard that some people thought they were paid; they were not. They did it purely out of love and isn’t that the best reason to do anything?

I’ll leave you now with a set of videos regarding the Joe Pike vs. Jack Reacher debate. At last year’s Bouchercon, Lee Child was asked who would win in a Reacher-Pike fight. I captured his answer in the first video. This year, Gregg Hurwitz asked Crais for a rebuttal, which you can see in the second clip. The video quality isn’t great because I recorded it on my photo camera, but I think his answer is loud and clear.


Craisie Spirit

I’ve been AWOL for the past week or so because I was in St. Louis for Bouchercon, the annual world mystery convention during which crime fiction authors and fans mingle, celebrate the genre, drink heavily, and, ah, gain fodder for their novels. A big reason for my desire to go was because Robert Crais would be one of the American guests of honor and a contingent of Craisies (diehard fans of his writing, if you’re new to the term) was gathering to celebrate him. I’ll be sharing other wonderful Bouchercon memories later this week, but today I’m talking Craisies.

Craisies at the LATFOB

In 2001, a group of fans who had become friendly via Crais’s website converged upon the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books to meet each other and spend some time with him. Helen baked cookies, Eddy brought Mardi Gras beads, Sheila gave us Craisie caps, and many wore Hawaiian shirts to represent Elvis Cole’s favorite wardrobe choice.

I remember feeling overwhelmed by the kindness of people I was face to face with for the first time but who were definitely not strangers. I wasn’t surprised, though, because Crais and his writing attract the most generous people. Several became true-blue friends of mine and we have remained in each other’s lives, sharing joy and sadness and all the things between.

At Bouchercon 10 years later

Ten years after that first CraisieCon, a new gang descended upon St. Louis wearing love on its sleeves. Jen at Jen’s Book Thoughts was inspired by Novel-T to come up with the idea of baseball jerseys with names of characters from Crais’s novels. Naomi from Drowning Machine then designed and found a place to make them after we decided on what names we wanted. The breakdown: Jen–Starkey, Michael (le0pard13)–Stone, Naomi–Watrous, Christine–the Cat, Carolyn–Holman, and Paulette–Chenier (her number was double zero). I asked for Dolan but Jen pointed out that she’s dead. I said, “It’s okay. I’m used to being a flash in the pan.”

In the end, the decision was taken out of my hands when Naomi sent me a jersey that said “Cole.” My first reaction was, Wha? I’m not worthy. Then I realized I want to be worthy; the Craisies make me want to be better. Crais has often said he has the best readers in the world. I’m not there yet but about the others, he is spot on.


Stalker Award Winners

I’m happy to announce the winners of the inaugural Stalker Awards, given to crime fiction books and authors readers are obsessed with, voted on by genre fans at large. The races were extremely tight, with leaders changing by the hour in several categories. This was exciting to me because it means the contenders were evenly matched and each had an ardent fan base.

I was also encouraged by the notes I received after nominees were revealed last week. One reader said he’d check out at least one of the underrated authors, another said she loved the opening sentences and will start paying more attention to them, and yet another said he’s already making mental notes about books and authors he’ll nominate for next year’s awards. I’m not trying to boast that I influenced anyone’s reading habits. The nominees were determined by crime fic readers so you did that. Thank you. I hope you had fun participating.

Congratulations to the following winners:

Favorite Novel

The First Rule by Robert Crais (36% of votes)

Favorite Lead Character

Joe Pike from The First Rule (38%)

Favorite Supporting Character

Elvis Cole from The First Rule (47%)

Best Opening Sentence

“The night they were hijacked, Roxy Palmer and her husband, Joe, ate dinner with an African cannibal and his Ukrainian whore.” —Wake Up Dead by Roger Smith (37%)

Most Memorable Dialogue

Savages by Don Winslow (39%)

Best Title

Hello Kitty Must Die by Angela S. Choi (44%)

Most Eye-Catching Cover

Expiration Date by Duane Swierczynski (43%)

Favorite Author on Social Media — Tie

Hilary Davidson and Duane Swierczynski, both with 27% of the votes

Most Underrated Author

Charlie Huston (41%)


And the Stalker Nominees Are…

For the past three weeks, to coincide with May being mystery month, I took nominations for the inaugural Stalker Awards, given to authors and mysteries/thrillers published in 2010 that you’re obsessed about. Today, as the month wraps up, I’m pleased to reveal the nominees, determined by crime fiction readers everywhere.

You can now vote for one winner in each category. I’ll keep the poll open for one week only, until June 7, 9 p.m. PST, and reveal the results next week.

Thanks to all who took time to send in your ballots, and to those who helped spread the word. Hope you see some of your favorites here!

*Poll is now closed. Click here for winners.*


Nominated covers


THE SENTRY Launch at Diesel Bookstore

Yesterday was pub day for Robert Crais‘s The Sentry and the launch party was held at Diesel Bookstore in Santa Monica, CA. Of course I had to go because I heard there’d be food. Yes, I cleared a whole tray of potatoes and some chocolate thingies but that’s not the best part.

There was a great turnout (I stood in line for about 17 hours to get my book signed), with many familiar faces in the crowd. Authors Gregg Hurwitz, Brett Battles and Gerald Petievich were there, so were my friends Debbie and Laurie, blogger extraordinaire Michael (le0pard13) with his son A., and Crais’s website manager/creator of the newsletters, Carol T. I also got to meet Steve, the nice man who let Crais go to the bathroom in his house while Crais was shooting his Sentry video down in Venice. Steve said I’m welcome to use his toilet, too. Score!

Crais shared rave reviews for his novel and a few fan letters (someone who’s a regular here was quoted—you’ll see when you attend his Belmont signing!) before reading a couple of passages and signing books. I won’t give away spoilers; you’ll just have to make one of his appearances if he’s in your city to experience all the fun.

Meanwhile, I’ll leave you with some photos:

Crais with Debbie

I’m standing on tiptoes here, with one leg swinging in mid-air:

Man sandwich with Crais, Battles & Michael

And what a difference a year makes. Last year when I showed up, I got this reaction from Crais:

This year, I got this:

For the win!


Book Discussion: Robert Crais’s L.A. REQUIEM

Last August, Jeff over at Stuff Running ‘Round My Head wrote a piece on Robert Crais‘s watershed novel L.A. Requiem that got a bunch of us other fans wanting to re-read it, too. I then suggested we have an online discussion about it so we can share our thoughts with old and new fans alike.

Our session took place this past Saturday with Michael from Lazy Thoughts from a Boomer, Naomi from The Drowning Machine, Jen from Jen’s Book Thoughts, Rachel from Scientist Gone Wordy, Christine from The Christine ‘Zine, Shell from and me in the chat room. To tie in with Crais’s The Sentry being released tomorrow, here are snippets from our discussion of what some consider the unofficial first Joe Pike novel.

[Michael, Naomi, Christine and I started the conversation with Jen, Rachel and Shell joining in later.]

Pop Culture Nerd: What was your reaction after reading this book? The first time vs. re-reading?

Naomi: The first time—awestruck. This time, still impressed.

Christine: What Naomi said.

Michael: When I first read LAR, given that I started at the beginning and read in order, I couldn’t stop thinking about it for some time, [how] RC had built up to this in the previous [books] and then JUMPED from there.

Naomi: What is it we all love about this book? Why is it a great book?

PCN: It’s not only a smart detective story, it’s an incredibly moving book about the different forms of love, between Elvis & Joe, E and Lucy, E and Dolan, E and the cat, Joe and Paulette, Karen for Joe…

Christine: Well said. The relationships are a huge draw for me. Glad I’m not the only one noting the cat’s relationship.

Naomi: Yeah, the love. Joe’s sacrifice for Paulette is so wrenching.


Michael: Dolan’s tragic yearning and end, too. What I treasure about LAR is how layered it is. Plus, the character study of Cole and Pike as very human heroes.

Naomi: I hated losing Dolan.

PCN: Did anyone feel Dolan shouldn’t have been killed off?

Naomi: Yeah, I’d like for her to have stayed. She could arm-wrestle Starkey for dibs.

Christine: I was on the fence with Dolan’s demise.

PCN: I think it’s smart she was killed off. She burned bright and fast through Elvis’s life (and our consciousness) and that makes her more memorable.


[At this point, Jen showed up in the chat room.]

PCN: Have you read and listened to LAR?

Jen: Yes. 2x each.

Michael: 1 read, 3 re-listens.

Naomi: 2 reads and 1.5 listens.

PCN: Differences between audio and book for you? Was narrator able to bring nuances you missed from reading?

Jen: Yes and no. Some, I went, “Oh, I missed that.” Others, I said, “That’s not what it should sound like.” And while no one but Bob seemed to have Pike’s “sound” for me, I think [Ron McLarty] did a good job with Pike’s tone.

Naomi: I don’t appreciate the nuances as much with audio, the use of structure and language. All the different points of view RC uses, the switches in tense, stuff that was a no-no before this book—I don’t get all that when I’m listening.

PCN: Even though he used third person for the non-Elvis scenes, the voice is not the same throughout. Pike’s 3rd person is not the same as Sobek’s…

Jen: No, it shouldn’t be. It’s limited 3rd.

PCN: Yes, not the omniscient 3rd.

Jen: Exactly!

Naomi: You’re right! Plus, scenes with Elvis are in past tense, but with the killer they’re present tense. I don’t pick up on those kinds of things in audio.

PCN: And, amazingly, it all works. Different tenses, so many POVs, but it all comes together and was never confusing for me.

Jen: That’s why it was groundbreaking!

Naomi: Yeah, it’s stunning. Breaks every rule of that time. RC wrote new rules. I see other writers break these same rules but it’s not as effective because they do it for effect, not because the story demands it. I think [LAR] works because this is the only way the story could be told and still maintain the tension.

Christine: Also, one of the few books that goes to different timelines that never drove me nuts. That can REALLY drive me up a wall and ruin the reading experience for me.

[Rachel joined us here.]

Rachel: I would miss that probably since LAR was the first of the series I read and Crais was my intro to mystery/thriller. My mystery/thriller background was riddled with bad picks so I stayed away until 2010 when a different reading community keyed me into Crais. Once I started, y’all found me and the rest was history.

Christine: Naomi, you asked about favorite scenes earlier. SOOOOO many…Cole and Watts crying in Dolan’s apt. and Cole taking down the pic of him Dolan had on fridge.

PCN: I like how Joe was reading Basho, the poet who wrote the poem about the monkey needing a raincoat.

Naomi: I love that whole scene with Joe and the sergeants.


PCN: Love that Gunnery Sgt. Aimes said a poet would die for a rose, that warriors need to also be poets, and then when Joe was shot, the blood bloomed on his back like a rose.

Naomi: First read, I cried over Joe’s childhood scenes.

Michael: My son’s been listening to LAR, he said he felt completely touched and uncomfortable with the scene of Joe stopping the burning of the cat. I guess that’s the power of LAR. RC crafted so many scenes, comfortable and uncomfortable ones, that really get to the reader.


Rachel: Pike question—why do you think he’s got the glasses? Is it to cover the eyes? Which would make him more conspicuous?

Michael: LAR covered some of the issues with Pike and the sunglasses. “Cat eyes” and sensitivity to light.

Jen: I think the eyes are the window to the soul and Pike doesn’t let people in that easily.

PCN: Probably because he feels more comfortable in the shadows. If he walks around with those startlingly light eyes, people would stare.

Rachel: But don’t the glasses in the dark make people stare? Why is that better?

Naomi: He could stare back. I’d let him.

PCN: I don’t think people can see him in the dark. He’s often described as moving like smoke. Even Elvis can’t see him sometimes.

Rachel: Joe not liking to be seen and his Conspicuous Dress habit is one of my suspension-of-disbelief things.

Jen: I don’t think that it’s so much he doesn’t like to be seen physically as much as it is who is INSIDE. If he wants to sneak around, you’ll not see his glasses or his dress.

Michael: But, Rachel, haven’t you noticed certain of us guys always wear the same things (as my wife reminds me)?

Rachel: Hehe.

[Naomi had to leave the chat.]

PCN: OK, more favorite scenes?

Christine: Elvis in shock that cat let Dolan pet him.

Rachel: I love the scene where Cole is talking to Lucy after she finds out some of Pike’s history. When he’s explaining that whatever Joe is, he is, too, is very powerful to me.

Jen: Good thing you said that after Naomi left! Ha! [Ed. note: Naomi hates Lucy with the intensity of a thousand suns.]

PCN: How do you feel about Lucy, Rachel?

Rachel: I hear there are serious Lucy haters. I don’t think about her enough to hate or like her. Since I read LAR first, it might not be quite as thoughtful as what others take away but the first moment she mentioned a kid I was like, This will never work. Cole can’t have a kid in his life.

PCN: I think Lucy-hate is unfair. Her first priority has to be her kid, as much as she loves Elvis. As a parent, you’d freak out, too, if your kid is put in danger because of your boyfriend.

Rachel: I actually think RC has been really realistic with Lucy’s response to the type of life Cole leads. Pretty brave of him when so many authors take the novel way out and don’t describe these things as they would probably happen to keep the relationship going.

Michael: I’ll grudgingly give points to Elyse and Rachel about Lucy. Still don’t like her for Elvis, though.

Jen: The point I really hate Lucy comes when she blames Elvis for what her ex is wholly responsible for.

PCN: When did she do that?

Christine: The Last Detective.

Jen: Thank you, Chris! The ex put everything into motion and Lucy, even when she has all the info, blames Elvis.

Rachel: That’s another time where I think RC did the real, brave thing. She’s freaking out and not using her head as she normally would. I can see that happening. What were folks’ reaction to Dolan?

Jen: I was heartbroken when Dolan died. I liked her. She was tough to cover up the insecurities, like so many of us are.

Rachel: I think I like her better for her brevity. Had she stuck around I don’t know that I would have liked her. I wonder if we really got a good look at her. I think even she was surprised at her behavior. I go back and forth between that being deliberate or simply a weakly written character (don’t shoot!).

Michael: I liked Dolan for her choice in spirits.

[Shell shows up in the chat room at this point.]

Shell: Hi everyone! I enjoyed both characters, but felt for Lucy. I kind of had a sense of Dolan having a bit of  “bad girl” appeal for Elvis.

Rachel: Has Joe’s love of Paulette already been discussed?

Christine: I thought Joe’s scene with Paulette was a heartwrenching love scene. That was just so rich and emotional to me. An excellent example of why I love RC’s writing. And I looooved that she was written as looking like an ordinary, real woman.

Jen: I loved that, too, Chris.

Michael: Most startling moment in LAR for me—Elvis finding that picture at Paulette’s where Joe is smiling.

PCN: Yes! That picture made my heart hurt.

Christine: YES! Did you feel that it might have hurt E to see that smile in the photo?

PCN: I think so, because it’s a realization that even he can’t make Joe smile and Joe hasn’t had anything to smile about since that picture.

Jen: No, I don’t.

Michael: Second that.

Jen: Because Elvis has experienced his love with Lucy.

Michael: Question—do any of you feel you’re missing anything in that RC does not write explicit love scenes like, say, Don Winslow?

Jen: No! That’s one of my big pet peeves about Winslow. I think RC says more in his scenes than Winslow does in his drawn-out scenes.

Rachel: I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. I can take sex scenes either way as long as they work with the stories and the characters. I think RC writes about relationships and his style is not to focus too heavily on the sex. Works fine for me.

PCN: Shell, how did you feel about LAR having already read First Rule? Most of us didn’t know anything about Joe until LAR.

Rachel: I remember thinking it was quite funny that RC was working so hard to convince me of what a badass Joe was. I’m like, yeah, he made a cop shit his pantz! I’m so on board with how tough he is. But on a more serious note, I think I was able to immediately become really invested in the E/J relationship and it’s made it a really deep literary partnership in my reading world.

PCN: I like how they can openly say “I love you” to each other without fearing any kind of gay understones.

Rachel: ROFLMAO! Was understones on purpose!????

PCN: No! I meant undertones.

Michael: Freudian?

Shell: Hahaha! Elyse, I found LAR quite different, as First Rule I found Joe to be the primary character and didn’t get much of a sense of who Elvis was. When I went back and read LAR, I loved Elvis so much, I then felt a bit Elvis-deprived in hindsight with regards to FR!

Jen: I love that they themselves recognize their love for each other and aren’t afraid of it.

Michael: LAR’s ending is one of my all-time favorite conclusions to a novel. It was beautifully reflective.

PCN: Yes! I love how Elvis is sitting up on Mulholland, shot, beaten down, and the owl is asking “Who?” as in “Who will protect this great city?” Who will do the right thing? At first, E doesn’t answer, but then he says, “Me.” And I love him for that. Despite everything, he will always step up to do the right thing and save the world.

Christine: Very good point. It would be so easy to say “Screw you. I’ll take care of myself and get my woman back on her terms.”


We also discussed the other books in the series and P.I. novel conventions in general but since this is a tribute to LAR, I think I’ll stop here. If you haven’t read it, it’s obviously highly recommended. If you have, get ready for more Pike in The Sentry!

Buy The Sentry from Amazon| B&N| IndieBound| Powell’s

[These are associates programs.]


Winners of Robert Crais’s THE SENTRY

For the giveaway, I asked for creative versions of a Joe Pike pizza and you stepped up with some great concoctions. The first winner had the entry I thought best exemplified Joe’s persona:

  • Eddy

Hardtack crust? Meat from the Esox lucius ? I think Pike’s mouth would twitch if you told him he had a pizza like that named after him. He wouldn’t necessarily eat it but that’s not the point.

The second winner’s name was randomly drawn:

  • Patrick

Though Patrick was randomly chosen, he also had a great entry. Love the gunpowder topping and the pizza being served with a vengeance.

Congrats to both! You get an ARC of The Sentry to wave in front of your friends’ faces and brag on Facebook that you get to read it before it’s released on January 11. But first, you must hit the “contact” button or the red envelope icon in the sidebar and let me know your address (no P.O. boxes). If I don’t hear from you by Saturday Dec. 18 at noon PST, alternate winner(s) will be chosen.

If you didn’t win, you can pre-order the book from the venues below (I belong to their affiliate programs).

Pre-Order The Sentry from Amazon| B&N| IndieBound| Powell’s


Exclusive Video & Giveaway: Two ARCs of Robert Crais’s THE SENTRY

I’m thrilled to share with you the following video I made. You don’t need to know anything more; just click play. Then check out the giveaway below where you can win one of two ARCs of Robert Crais’s The Sentry (Putnam, January 11, 2011). U.S., Canada and Mexico residents are eligible!

Can’t wait to see the REAL video and read The Sentry, right? For more info, visit the Robert Crais website and check out his tour dates.

Now, how about an advanced reading copy of the book? Putnam has generously allowed me to give away two.

To enter:

  • be a subscriber or follower (tell me which if you’ve never entered a giveaway)
  • leave a comment telling me what you’d put on a Joe Pike pizza and why (think beyond traditional toppings)
  • be a resident of the U.S., Canada or Mexico

Giveaway ends next Wednesday, December 15 at 5 p.m. PST. It’s a short window but I want you to get the ARCs before Christmas, even (especially?) if you’ve been naughty.

For one copy, I’ll pick the commenter with the most creative Joe Pike pizza and for the other, I’ll randomly select a name. Winners will only be posted here and on Twitter; I won’t be notifying you personally so please check back to see if you’ve won. Any prize(s) not claimed within 48 hours will be given to alternate winner(s).

Have fun and show me some pizza!


Celebrating Reed Farrel Coleman & INNOCENT MONSTER

Since Reed Farrel Coleman’s latest Moe Prager mystery, Innocent Monster, is coming out next week from Tyrus Books, I was asked to create a slideshow to help celebrate the launch. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Reed or his books, below is a quick intro.

I could’ve mentioned that Reed is an award-winning novelist, poet and professor of writing at Hofstra University, but I thought I’d have some fun. (You can get the real story on his website.) What I took away from meeting him at this year’s L.A. Times Festival of Books is that he’s not only a gracious, talented writer but a man with a great sense of humor.

Hope you enjoy the show.

[cincopa 10775096]

Most importantly…

With Ben LeRoy of Tyrus Books

All photos courtesy Reed Farrel Coleman’s website


Stalking the Author

I was getting impatient sitting around waiting for Robert Crais‘s next book, The Sentry. Yeah, I know it’s coming out January 11 but that’s five lousy months.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands and jumped into my car. Crais lives here in the city of angels, there are only about three million people—how hard can he be to find? They don’t call me the Nerd for nothin’.

After seven hours of driving the neon-dotted streets, begging for scraps of info from hookers and residents of dark alleys, I found him having drinks in a dimly lit bar where you can’t smoke anymore but can still smell it in the bartender’s hair. Someone played blue notes on the sax in the background while someone else danced slowly with himself.

When Crais saw me coming, he gave me weary eyes and simply asked “Why?” without missing a sip. I said, “Because I lose sleep at night and can’t take it anymore.” He nodded as if he’d always known, reached into his pants and handed this over. I ran out of the bar, clutching the manuscript to my bosom, and never looked back.
