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Recaps and reactions to some of your favorite TV shows


Anybody watched this show? I abhor reality shows (except American Idol and Project Runway) but tuned in to…

OD'd on PC

This past weekend, I wore my nerd badge proudly and indulged my reading, TV- and DVD-watching, M&M-eating, CD-listening,…

More TV Flippin'

The DVR was about to explode this weekend so I chained myself down with popcorn and cake for…

Notes on New Series

At the beginning of each TV season, I like to sample new shows at least once. Last night,…

Monday Night Madness

OK, I probably talk about Hugh Laurie a little too much around here but I love how, one…

Emmys Highlights

First, let me get this out of the way. What does Hugh Laurie have to do to win…

Emmys Fashion Roundup

There were very few standouts for me but I can’t do a recap without covering the fashion, right?…